current projects






current projects






cryptography algorithm


We are developing a new cryptography algorithm for greater security. Our goal is to make a quantum computer-resistant cryptography algorithm that is virtually uncrackable!

bionic voice


We are developing technologies for communicating speech without sound.  This has a range of potential applications, including giving back the gift of speech for those who have lost theirs, without the need of an operation or a stoma.

sensory diagnostics


We are developing a new device for monitoring nerve health. This technology will permit patients to monitor the ongoing status of their peripheral neuropathy. The earlier changes can be detected, the more options are available for avoiding permanent nervous damage.

spike sorting


We like to contribute toward the generation of new knowledge and the open-source community. Spike sorting is one of our non-profit projects that contributes to Neuroscience. We are developing a spike sorting algorithm that uses machine learning for analysing brain cell responses. This is an important tool used by neuroscientists that can help us better understand the language of the brain and how information is processes and packaged.